Volunteer Opportunities at the Bismarck Moose Lodge

For over 75 years, the Bismarck Moose Lodge has been a leading fraternal organization in the community, contributing thousands of dollars annually to local and national non-profits and community groups. One of the main reasons of this success is the contributions of its members. The employees of the lodge, as well as the lodge officers, do a lot for the lodge, however they cannot do everything and thus, volunteers are needed to help the lodge and, by extension, the non-profits and community groups that depend on donations from organizations like ours to be successful. Volunteers are truly the life blood of the lodge and the need is always there! Therefore, we ask that you please volunteer at the lodge, if interested. You may sign up here or contact the Bismarck Moose directly at (701) 224-8326. Thank you for your consideration!

Volunteer Opportunities include, but not limited to the following:

  • Saturday Soup & Burger Teams - 2 to 4 people - working from approximately 10:30am to 1:30pm with serving from 11am to 1pm. Generally one person running the till, one person deep frying and serving soup, and one person on the grill.

  • Monthly Taco Night Servers - 3 to 4 people - working from approximately 5p to 8pm on the designated night. Generally one person running the till, one person deep frying the fry bread and one person serving the taco meat. Another person could maintain the table with the toppings to ensure it stays stocked.

  • Special Dinner Nights (Veterans Appreciation, Member Appreciation, etc) - held periodically throughout the year, these volunteers will assist the kitchen staff in serving the meal, bussing tables, dishwashing and other general kitchen work.

  • Event Set Up and Tear Down - held periodically throughout the year, these volunteers will help move tables and chairs in the hall and dining room in order to set up those rooms for the event being held.

  • Lodge Maintenance - these volunteers would help keep the lodge looking sharp by mowing the lawn and basic repairs and cleanup.

The Bismarck Moose Lodge thanks you!